In an AC series L-C-R circuit, applied voltage is `V= {100sqrt2 sin (omegat + 45°)} V` Given that, `R - 30 Omega, X_L = 50 Omega and X_c = 10 Omega.` Now match the following two columns.
Column I | Column II |
A. Current in the circuit | p. 120 SI units |
B. Power dissipated in the circuit | q. 60 SI units |
C. Potential difference across resistance | r. 2 SI units |
D. Potential difference across inductance | s. None |
(a) A-p B-q C-r D-s
(b) A-r B-p C-q D-s
(c) A-p B-r C-s D-q
(d) A-q B-s C-r D-p