Normally, the reported result of measurement is a number that includes all digits in the number that are known reliably plus first digit that is uncertain. The digits that are known reliably plus the first uncertain digit are known as significant digits or significant figures.
e.g. When a measured distance is reported to be 374.5 m, it has four significant figures 3, 7, 4 and 5. The figures 3, 7, 4 are certain and reliable, while the digit 5 is uncertain. Clearly, the digits beyond the significant digits reported in any result are superfluous.
`5.74 g` of a substance occupies `1.2 cm^3` . Express its density by keeping the significant figures in view.
(a) `4.9 g cm^(-3)`
(b) `5.2 g cm^(-3)`
(c) `4.8 g cm^(-3)`
(d) `4.4 g cm^(-3)`